About Sheeba Gollapalli
I’ve never wanted to tie myself down to any one path or career, and this site showcases the many journeys I’ve taken. I do many different things, but each project I take on I approach with the greatest enthusiasm and focus. Take the time to explore my writing, visuals, work samples and more. I hope you find it interesting and that it sparks something inside you.
Member, CYGEN at Royal Commonwealth Society
( Mar 2024 - Present )
President, iPledge Foundation
( 2016-Present )
Bachelor's in Social Work
PG Diploma W/ Indian Governance and Leadership, Delhi
Diploma With Ministry of Rural Development ( NIRDPR ) in SDGS [ Sustainable Development Goals ]
Honors in WLP (‘Women’s Leadership for Peace’) at UNITAR ( United Nations For Training and Research ) Geneva, Switzerland
Global Youth Ambassador For "Their World" UK
( Jan 2018 - Jan 2021 )
She Inspires Awards 2018 London : Finalist
Inspiring Woman of the Year 2022 :
( Women Empowerment Category ) - Nation Wide Awards Silver Star Mercedes-Benz
Shortlisted For 2024 Elections in Commonwealth Youth Council For Special Interest Groups Rep Position.


Professional Projects
What I’ve Done
Giving Back : 1st Covid Wave
in September 2020: Donated BPL Oxygen Concentrator Machine & Fruits to 280 Covid Patients at Government Hospital
Donated in presence of Anupama Anjali (Sub Collector) Rajahmundry Govt. General Surgeon Dr. Ramesh Kishore, and Superintendent of Government Hospital, Rajahmundry
I thank god for giving us this opportunity to help the patients in this pandemic through this Oxygen Concentrator which saved many lives of those suffering with breathing issues #feelingproud #1girlcan #reachingout #givingback #gratitudepost

Emergency Relief Aid : Cylocone Fani
Have been to the Districts of Puri and Bhubaneswar & its emotional seeing the situation , we were feeding the cyclone victims and their families for 7 days now with rice, dal with potato & clean drinking water twice a day. it will take a lot of time for them to get back to their regular life since their homes are destroyed & government still couldnt reach them. No electricity was restored to the areas of panthapaka, puri and its surroundings till now. #CycloneFani #May2019

Giving Back 2.0 : 2nd Covid Wave
Able to Donate Four American Oxygen Concentrators to Government Hospital Rajahmundry on Tuesday 1st June 2021. We should try and do as much as we could do & help, be it our neighbor, be it our enemy or anyone that needs help in our community. we all together as 1 in this pandemic can fight it out. thanks to god for enabling us to donate these through us in this deadful needful time.

Outreach in Kolkata: Land of Slums
2019 is been a milestone for me, i am abled to expand and reach out to the state of bengal, we have moved with the plight of the life of young children in slums of bengal. so we gave our extended support and care we have reached out to 700 street kids & 300 elders this week. it is really tough and emotional to see their condition. please support and wish that i should reach to many more and to where there is really a need. teaching them about having good character ( character development classes ) and free food distribution is done. #January2019 #KolkataSlums